
10 days of solitude in the company of 100 people, vegan food and one aching body….

It is all Anastasia’s fault. She was the one who suggested I should try this. Well, ok, it was me being at a crossroads and asking her if she had suggestions, but whatever, she is the cause of this looooong 10 day seclusion with soy based products. At the end, it was the hardest thing I have ever done. And yet it wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be. It was the most interesting thing I have ever done. And turns out, I was ready for such an experience.

It is a meditation retreat where for 10 days you do not speak, gesture, sign or communicate in writing, cannot read or journal, watch TV, listen to radio or surf the web, completely cut off contact with the outside world through confiscation of one’s cell phone, sleep fewer hours, meditate for 9 hours a day, listen to lectures rest of the time, eat a strictly vegetarian diet and do not eat after lunch. Your sole job is to practice the technique (vipassana) found by Buddha, by focusing on sensations on the body while quieting your mind to a complete silence. This is not easy, as neither your body nor your mind cooperates. The result is fascinating, to say the least.

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